Welcome to Lucerne.
We think in multiple dimensions
Seeing the big picture - and the small.
A multi-focus approach.
We accomodate client diversity
Under global regulatory compliance.
We help our clients see through financial complexity
Investing at the foundations of growth
Where deviation becomes the new normal.
Welcome to Astrantia
Astrantia AG is an independent Swiss asset manager that helps private and corporate clients improve investment performance and efficiency based on research and competitive intelligence.
Astrantia was founded in Lucerne in 2016. It is a member of the Swiss Association of Asset Managers (VSV) and licenced by FINMA.
In addition, our private wealth arm Astrantia Consulting AG advises global families on wealth issues ranging from succession and residency planning to due diligence and reputation management.
Over the last 10 years we call the Decade of Compliance account opening has cardinally changed – from being a mere formality to becoming a lengthy and knowledge-intensive process.
Bank account opening and managing can pose serious challenges to entrepreneurs and investors, often hampering growth, and at times threatening a company's very existence.
We specialize in complex client on-boarding due diligence. Our legal, compliance, and audit specialists from global banks and big-4 consulting firms have the scope and expertise to open and document investment and commercial accounts across Switzerland and Europe.
We offer a diverse spectrum of actively managed investment strategies (deposits, investment grade and high-yield bonds, single stocks, currencies) drawing on our in-house research, in addition to passively managed index solutions (Euro Stoxx 50, S&P 500, Nikkei 225, Hang Seng China Enterprises, Kospi 200 etc.) via discretionary portfolio management mandates.
Our equity researchers provide quality, differentiated coverage of global companies enabling us to make a buy or sell recommendation – combining classic charting techniques with in-depth fundamental analysis. Our cross-asset perspective identifies key macro themes and correlations between asset classes depending on market sentiment, business cycles, and long-term trends.
Our bond analysts combine bottom-up insights on issuers to identify opportunities we believe are undervalued by the wider market, in addition to tactical top-down calls depending on macroeconomic signals. Daily monitoring and data surveillance help us identify risks at an early stage and take the necessary steps to adjust and protect our clients’ portfolios.
Currency strategies are an additional source of diversification and return for a balanced portfolio when credit and equity markets turn bearish.
Our FX desk seeks to identify trade opportunities against the background of short-term market volatility and fundamental global growth dispersion.